Nuts and Bolts of Network Marketing

If you are unfamiliar with Network Marketing, or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) as it is also referred to, this article should shed light on the key elements of this business model. The essence of Network Marketing is relationships. Your friends and family are the starting point and from there you can build with the help of their referrals. Those relationships are the channels you use to move the product or service you are marketing and to build a network of business partners who will be doing exactly the same as you, duplicating your success. This business model is all about sales and doing so with a softer approach than direct sales because you focus on what is known as your ''warm list'' rather than blindly approaching strangers or engaging in door to door sales and cold calling. MLM is unlike traditional business because its members usually work out of their homes according to schedules that they set, rather than adhere to the normal 9 to 5 in an office building. It is a business that has been around since the 1950s and today boasts more than 12 million followers in North America, and is continuously growing. Anyone can get involved with an MLM business opportunity and many people have had tremendous success marketing things as varied as home care products, financial services, cosmetics, wellness products, and telecommunications services. With an initial investment of a small sum of money and a lot of hard work, personal and financial freedom is attainable.

Network Marketing is not for everyone however. It is by no means a ''get rich scheme'' and results often take time so many end up quitting before having any real success. Generally all MLM companies use a commission based compensation plan so there is no up-front and steady cash flow that poses a problem for those looking to make a quick buck. For those with a long-term commitment to building their own business, success in network marketing will come in the form of residual income. Residual income is not possible as a salaried or hourly wage employee whereby if you don't work you don't get paid, nor is it common in most direct sales companies where you only make commissions when you sell products. When sales drop or stop altogether, so do your commissions. The concept of leveraging your time and effort and duplicating that initial investment of hard work over and over through the other business partners you recruit to your team are what make the residual income possible. It is your compensation from the MLM company for bringing other leaders on board to distribute the products/services that the company is offering. If you look at the big picture and think of it as everyone doing a small part of a greater whole, like pieces of a puzzle, it will make sense. The concept of residual income is great because it will allow you to reap continuous rewards on your initial efforts, long after you've stopped. This is only possible through the duplication of your efforts through well trained and like-minded business partners.

This is a totally team-oriented business model and not what we are used to seeing in the corporate world where everyone is out for themselves. Everything we have been taught at school has programmed us to be good employees. Being organized, taking orders, and executing tasks are necessary to hold a position in a traditional firm, but we are rarely taught to invest in ourselves and run our own business. You can have a lot of success in Network Marketing with a handful of key partners who will do their part and gather customers while building their own franchises by seeking out other leaders who have a strong desire to do exactly the same thing. This is the exponential power of multi-level marketing. If you are interested in starting your own Network marketing business I suggest you do your research and make sure that you are truly excited about the products or services you will be marketing. Also, get a clear understanding of the companies track record, compensation plan, and support system. All the best to dynamic entrepreneurs everywhere!

About the Author:

Gopal (The Musical Mad Scientist and Entrepreneur)

Article Source: - Nuts and Bolts of Network Marketing

MLM, Network Marketing, Work At Home, Depression, Home Based Business, Be Your Own Boss, Small Business, Residual Income, New Business, Business Leaders, Multiple Income Streams, Tax Break, Recession Proof, Leverage Your Time And Energy